Page name: X-men RP Explosion [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-28 20:45:06
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Danboo
# of watchers: 9
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On September 20th at exactly 12:00 PM several small bombs went off at the Xavier School for the Gifted. Students and teachers alike were eating at X-Men Kitchen when these explosions created chaos among the mutants. Smoke covered the whole school and grounds and no one knows what happened exactly, but after the smoke had dissipated, many students and some teachers were missing (X-men RP Disappearance), leaving the school in a state of confusion that was finally calmed an hour later by Professor Xavier.

Professor Charles Xavier, flanked by teachers Jean and Scott, slowly moved his hoverchair to his podium to address the school in the wake of this terrible event and kidnapping of over a dozen of his students. Besides all of the regular teachers, there were four new adult mutants among the group of teachers, standing around the raised platform where the podium was, in a line facing the group of students. These new people were a blonde man, an Irishman, a tattooed Asian-featured woman and finally a fashionable man apparently from the Middle East.

Professor Xavier gently brought attention to him with a soft cough over the microphone and slowly looked at all the students. With a calm yet powerful voice, he said "Dear students..." and looked back at the teachers, "...and those who were students," and finally turned back at the crowd, "...and those who were yet to be. In light of this terrible event we will be temporary closing down this school for a week to rebuild, and we will hold a tribute for those not yet found this Wednesday, and finally..." He paused for a second, looked down for a second and then glanced at Scott, who nodded. The Professor, who looked as if he had aged several years in the last few hours, turned his head back to the students.

"Closing the school?" Nicole Archer said quietly. She was one of the newest students and stared at Xavier. "We aren't being sent home, are we?" This was asked a bit louder as a slight panic rose in the girl who shouldn't feel emotions. A silver energy erupted from her hands and she focused on tempering her emotions again.

Shana crossed her arms and shifted her feet, frowning slightly as the tips of her hair began to fade to a dark brown. Well, I didn't want to go home yet... she thought. I just got back. She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and began to text her foster parents.

Professor Xavier almost started talking again but abruptly stopped at hearing and mentally hearing the thought process of several students. He chuckled slightly. "For those of you who are worrying, this week you can either go home and visit with your family, stay here and learn, or stay here and help rebuild." The light smile he had when he chuckled faded. "But... those who go will have an adult X-man with your for precautionary purposes and several new rules that you will have to follow... Speaking of which, I am reminded of a previous point that I was about to state. We, here at this school, will now have patrolling adult X-men."

Devin Fortis was standing to the side, more with the newcomers than the students. "What counts as 'adult'?" he asked, his Italian accent strong. Ala shifted on his shoulder, letting out a quiet sound as she sensed the nervousness in the room. Devin put a hand on the small sparrowhawk as he watched Xavier.

Scott immediately said, "That would be either one of us or him." And he pointed at a tall male with an army cut blond hair who was standing up stiffly.
Professor Xavier explained: "He has the ability to create 'clones' of himself that can talk mentally to each others, this will be extremely useful in case something were to happen to you while you were home, such as anti-mutant extremist or just the general dangers."

Storm walked up briskly with two new students from X-men Main Gates. One was Virgil Hawkins who wore a Red, Yellow, and Green shirt, with black skinny jeans, a plain tan backpack with his skateboard attached to it and the other was Daniela Morgen who was carrying a black sports bag. Storm told these students to listen to Professor Xavier who was addressing some changes and afterward would be meeting with the new students to help integrate them into the school.

Shana cancelled her message to her parents, and slid her phone back into her jacket pocket. She knew full and well, though she wouldn't mind returning home, that she was willing, and needed, to stay and help rebuild parts of the mansion. She smiled, knowing that she would be able to help make quick progress in the mansion's recovery.

"Uhm... ok." replied Daniela as the greeter left her in a room full of people she had never met talking about something she wasn't aware of. She tried to keep an ear out to piece back whatever had happened from bits of conversation. She had nowhere else to go, so she figured she would remain in the school while said "rebuilding" took place. "I think I'll just wait around till things settle and then I'll try to find someone who can actually tell me what the hell is going on." she said to herself, her expression betraying what was on her mind. She walked to a corner of the large room, her ankle still hurt a bit, so she limped slightly. Then she sat down again, with her bag on her lap, she rested her head on her hand and blew some hair out of her face, while she waited for something to happen.

Virgil hurried and took the nearest seat he could find, which just happened to be near the corner, put his stuff under the chair and plopped down.

Shana glanced across the room as the two newcomers arrived. Noticing that one was a new student, she overlooked Virgil and quietly slipped out of her seat and chair-hopped her way to where Daniela sat. She smiled and wiggle-waved her fingers, whispering, "Hey, what's up? I'm Shana."

Nichole couldn't much take the emotions swirling around in her body. They wanted to manifest, but she wasn't going to let them here. Now that she had heard what she wanted to hear, she looked up at Xavier for a moment before slipping out of the auditorium. She just needed to go for a walk around the school's perimeter. She let herself out of the mansion, towards the X-men Main Gates.

Daniela noticed a brightly colored girl approaching her from across the room. When the girl introduced herself, Daniela smiled for a second and half raised her hand. "Uhm.. hi. I'm Daniela." she replied, then added "Nice to meet you" as if it was an afterthought. "Do you know what's going on? I haven't been this confused since the ending of that Planet of the Apes remake..." she asked, returning to her serious demeanor.

Shana giggled a half second to herself, then looked at Daniela solemnly, her eyes turning glossy. "Something happened in the school while I was away... and several of my friends disappeared." She blinked her tears back, and lifted her head, smiling brightly. "Now we have to rebuild the parts of the school that were wrecked so that the students here will have somewhere to eat. Everyone is welcome to stay or go home."

Daniela shifted uncomfortably as the conversation turned more serious. "Sorry about your friends." she answered, looking down to her knees and bag. "It seems I came here at the wrong time, I figure if one is bound to be safe anywhere it's superpower school, you know?" she continued with a sigh. "I'll stay though, all and all it's still better than going back home." she added with anoher swift smile.

Shana smiled and nodded. "You'll be safe here, don't worry." She sat back in her seat and turned back towards the front of the room.

Devin shifted on his feet as Ala took off from his shoulder, landing on the boy who had just come over. Devin made a light hissing noise at the sparrowhawk, but to no avail. She landed on Virgil's knee, staring at him. Devin knew that he was too big to really avoid the conspicuous movement, but he walked over and sat down next to Virgil, picking Ala up as he did so. "Scuse, she does not know manners yet," Devin said quietly.

As Shana turned around, Daniela quickly whispered back. "Ah.. thanks, I hope so." and then looked to the front of the room as well, to the podium where the older people were standing. She figured if there was any other important information or some sort of orientation for newcomers, they'd be the ones to give it to the group.

“This is all such bullshit!” It came from within the crowd of the students that remained, arms crossed over her chest and nervously flicking her fingers over her scales, white blond hair shorn close to her skull and nails cut short. Flame was not happy, but it wasn’t anger which caused her tone, but worry for her fellow students who were now missing. “Do we even know who did this?” Her yell towards the teachers turning to a mutter. “Going to pay, whoever they are.”

Standing still and quiet, Kaider didn't really have anything to say. There was only one thing that hold enough interest to act upon, and that was telepathically surface scanning the four new adult mutants. Kaider didn't want to intrude or anything, but after the nightly attack and the disappearance of several other students, it was hard to feel safe and trusting. Kaider rolled eyes at both Flame's outburst and the gossiping new arrivals, but said nothing and just waited for Xavier to be done with his speeches.

After Flame's crude interruption, Xavier looked at her sternly. "Now, now, Flame, watch your language! I was not aware you craved extra danger room sessions so desperately", he said in a very slightly patronizing but not entirely serious manner. He continued more seriously: "But yes, the ones responsible will be brought to justice, and you would do well to help the newcomers to feel at home at the moment, until more rash actions are needed." He added the last bit rather fast and with a cough. "Now, if there was something else...?"

"Ah, it's ok,"Relied Virgil "Its a pretty bird you have there er... What your name?" He Questioned to Devin and held his right hand out.

"It is Devin," the older boy replied, putting a hand over Ala's back to calm the bird. Her feathers were becoming ruffled at the tension in the room. Devin glanced back to Virgil after the disturbance. "Are you new here, too?"

Bursting through the doors rather quickly, Korvka skidded to a halt, seeing that she was obviously late for something terribly important. She was not ashamed by her intrusion, rather, her honey brown eyes scanned the crowd for Myetel, who simply had to be here she told herself. She should have known to go where the rest of the students were heading after the explosion, but she had to check Myetel's room first to invite him along with her...but he was gone. Stepping further into the room, not offering her attention to anything else, Korvka looked harder. There were newcomers, no news there, and a sea of fresh faces accompanying the teachers but Myetel was nowhere to be found. An expression of angry sorrow washed over her face, her throat constricting as she tried to swallow the knot in it. Folding her arms across her chest, she listened glumly to the rest of the room, trying to find her bearings. <"He can't have died...">

“Don’t goddamn care…” The threat seemed like such an unimportant topic of conversation for Flame at the moment, when so much else had just happened. She raised her voice again, “So we’re just suppose to go on like nothing happened? Shouldn’t we be looking for those missing?” Or their bodies… But she didn’t say the last part, not really wanting to think of that being a possibility.

Daniela raised her hand slowly, looking around with some insecurity. She felt like she wasn't entitled to speak, being a new addition to the school. "Uhm.. hi.. I'm Daniela Morgan." she said in a firm but quiet voice, she felt like she was speaking out of place, but she was no wuss. "I'm new... and I don't understand much of what's going on... but if there's an emergency and people are missing, wouldn't a head count be the most logical thing to do?" she asked. "Just to make sure people know who's here and who is missing, you can do mind.. uhh... stuff... right? It should be a breeze for you to detect who is here and who isn't..." she continued, she looked around for a second and then swallowed. "I mean, people should have all the information! better to have grief than panic and anger, I'd think." she concluded before quickly sitting back down, red as a tomato.

"Dat new girl is right," Korvka said loudly, her voice strong though slightly less vibrant as usual, and as always tinged with a thick Russian accent. Her moment of silence as she accepted that Myetel was at the very least missing leading her to believe that possibly several more students were gone. With a horrified look on her face, Korvka scanned the audience again, walking around the back of the room with a purposeful stride as she looked for her brother, Vlad. If she had lost both of them she would know what to do... "I haff reason to believe dat Myetel and Vlad may be missing," she finished, bracing her hands on the back of an empty chair, trying to wrap her head around all this nonsense. No matter who did it or why, they could figure that out later, but Korvka wasn't moving on until she knew one way or another about what had happened to the people she cared about.

"Rest assured, Flame, that we are searching for the missing ones, but it is not in the best interests of this school to endanger its students on an uncoordinated and potentially dangerous search. The search will be planned and no inexperienced student will be put to the frontlines in harm's way." Xavier still spoke formally and in a civil manner, though at this high time of stress, even Flame's attempted undermining of his authority started getting to him. As a reply to Flames comment on them acting like nothing had happened, he said: "In an uncertain situation such as this one, it is important to hold on to a routine to help recovery. No one is expected to act as if 'nothing' happened; if you feel you need counsel or just wish to talk, please, do so." Turning to Daniela with a clearly warmer smile, he continued: "Yes, you are correct. I did in fact check telepathically who remained right after the attack. You see the remaining teachers here as well as most of the students: Shana, Flame, Kaider and Korvka. The new arrivals are Nicole, Devin, Virgil and Daniela." To Korvka he said telepathically and privately: "I believe Myetel disappeared already before the occurrence last night."

As if on cue, the back doors opened once again and this time a large young man walked in, nearly filling the doorframe entirely with his impressive size. His eyes were searching as frantically as his sister's were just moments before, for it was Vladimir Shostakovich, Korvka's older brother. Finding her quickly, he managed to croak, <"Korvka, you're here,"> in a shaking voice. Rushing over to her, he put his arms on her shoulders and pulled his little sister in for a big hug.

"Vlad!" Korvka exclaimed, looking over her shoulder as the doors burst open. When he embraced her, she hugged him back, more tightly than ever, her face pressed into the chest of his shirt. When Xavier told her telepathically that he Myetel had already vacated the mansion - <'likely for another excursion into the woods,'> she thought with a weak smile, her spirits lifted. However, her joy was shortlived as she let go of Vlad and scanned the room. There were too few faces here. "Who exactly is missing, Professor?" Korvka asked in a thin voice.

"Ah, I'm Virgil." And he shook Devin's hand and replied,"Yes, today is my first day but I was kinda late." And he ignored all the drama going around him.

Devin was careful not to squeeze the boy's hand too hard. Ala flitted back up to his shoulder and preened for a moment. "The girl I come with left." He frowned. "I have trouble with this language. You can understand me?" Devin seemed genuinely worried that he wasn't using the correct words. English wasn't his first language, after all.

Virgil mulled over it for a second and replied and nodded,"Yeah, I understand you just fine, but if your worried about perfection, came, not come. You use past tense in that case, and did she leave recently or did you mean that she came to this institute when you two started here?" He smiled and had a honest curiosity.

Devin grinned again. "Came. Yes. She came in with me. She left the room again." He pointed to the door, gesturing that she went outside. "After you came in." Devin, while being very smart, was obviously laid back and not overly worried about what was going on. The professor had said that they were handling it, and he trusted that.

Since the chatting seemed to go off to tangents, Xavier decided it was best to end the meeting. "Since there are no more questions, I shall now end this gathering and ask the older students to leave to X-Men Hall 1st." Once all the older students and teachers had left (except for one clone of the blonde man), Xavier continued for a short while: "First of all, dear students, please take the rules of this school seriously. Now, since there will be no lessons this week, I have no specialities to ask of you. Unless, of course, you need immediate training with your powers." He then paused and created a mental image of the layout of the whole mansion for all the new students so they would know where to go. "The first floor kitchen is wrecked, but our third floor kitchen, albeit much smaller, remains intact. Now, unless there is something you wish to talk about, I suggest you go visit the dormitories reserved for you." Having said that, the professor waved at the door leading to X-Men Hall 1st.

With Vlad's arm on her shoulder, Korvka was steered out of the hall. Doing her best to think and send a message to Xavier, Korvka thought as loudly as she could, "Can you tell Myetel to come back sometime soon?" With that, she and her brother walked into X-Men Hall 1st.

Vlad put a heavy and comforting hand on Korvka's shoulder, knowing that her mind was still on the boy the two of them had been fighting about just days prior. The two of them disappeared out the door into X-Men Hall 1st.

Kaider didn't like the intensified emotions flying in the air much, so ey promptly left after Xavier told them to.

Devin looked over at Virgil. "We should go too?" he asked, adjusting the shoulder strap on the bag he was carrying. He stood and looked over to the boy, headed towards the doors.

Shana stood and walked toward the exit, looking over her shoulder and waving at Daniela as she left. Her toe hit the edge of a chair and she nearly fell, so she decided to look straight forward, a bit embarrassed.

"I would if I could contact him", replied Xavier to Korvka. "He never let me form any sort of telepathic connection and his mind is very slippery."

Still muttering to herself, Flame strolled out with the group of older students to the X-Men Hall 1st.

Daniela waved back to Shana as she left and then sighed, it seems the new kids were left to their own devices again. At least she was glad some form of dormitory arrangement had been made ahead of schedule. She had a short acceptance letter from the School and she had shipped some of her stuff ahead of herself, which, she figured, was in her room. She looked at her room number in the letter and then headed out to the X-men Hall 1st

"Yes, we should." Virgil replied, gets up, then grabbed all his stuff from under the chair,"Err... where again are we to go?"

Devin laughed and led Virgil to the X-men Hall 1st. "This way."

Virgil smiled then asked,"So how long have you been here?" and followed Devin to X-men Hall 1st.

As the students finally left, so did professor Xavier, heading to Xavier's office.

X-Men RP * Start X-Men * X-Men Characters

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2009-11-18 [Danboo]: lol but it was just storm bringing them in, they can rp, whether they join the crowd of student, or even listen to her, and storm is the person who's greeting people at the main gates, speaking of which i need her to go inside soon and then find out about the new people who are gonna be at the gate

2009-11-18 [Duredhel]: ....wait what? O,o
Periods are your friends, dude XD they help tell one sentence from another.

2009-11-18 [Danboo]: i hate periods, lol sorry, i like commas better but i'm trying to make sense here T.T
lol i suck at english

2009-11-18 [Figgy]: Periods are NOT women's friends, DUDES.....

2009-11-18 [Danboo]: lol they're not my friend either! @^##%@^ arg!
lol sorry sorry...

2009-11-18 [Duredhel]: You know what I meant Figgy XD

2009-11-18 [Figgy]: I know :P I decided to be a perv. A bit.

2009-11-18 [Danboo]: ack i just thought of a horrible power, the power to cause someone to go onto their period immediately, gender doesn't matter.....

2009-11-18 [Flisky]: Lets stop talking about female reproductive phenomenon, please...not a pleasant convo for me to read about.

2009-11-18 [Figgy]: LMAO. That would be awful. And, wish granted ;P

2009-11-18 [Danboo]: not just the kitchen, through out the whole school bwaahahaha

2009-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Okay, I edited the introductory post (three first paragraphs) a little so the situation is better understandable. Usually editing posts after they've been replied to is an extremely bad idea and you shouldn't do it. I just did it to add at least a little info about the new people. Done now. Continue and don't go wild posting while us Europeans are sleeping. X)

2009-11-18 [Veltzeh]: [Danboo], learning English is easy! Just imitate everything I write and you can't go wrong! XD

2009-11-18 [Duredhel]: Mebbe bold and italicize GM posts, veltz? like we did in RoL. That way people know right away what info is vital.

2009-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Fine, all right then! :P I'm not a fan of double-emphasizing though, so I'll settle for just bolding.

2009-11-19 [Danboo]: lol hey, i'm in like a block right now for charles so could you try having him tell flame something like almost sarcastic but wise like how he usually does, like a question, well who do you think did it?

2009-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Sure. You could tell that in a message the next time, it feels a little weird discussing that in the comments... X)

2009-11-19 [Danboo]: lol they're gonna hear it one way or another XD but i will start that now, but dude, you write totally different from me XDXD

2009-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Indeed I do. I've actually noticed before, even when I write in English, that the general layout of the words looks more like Finnish than the word layout of those who speak English as a mother tongue.

2009-11-19 [Figgy]: Vel, I think you write rather intelligently :) I guess it's more like an intelligent English-speaking person rather than an idiotic English-speaking person. Haha. [Danboo], that was no offense toward you, I promise. :P

2009-11-19 [Veltzeh]: It's all in the sentence structure, and some vocabulary! Usually the comments I write are pretty simple and/or average, I guess. X)

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